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How to Make a Banner in Powerpoint 2007 TUTORIAL

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Practice you create posters for personal or business organization apply? Many people utilise Microsoft Word for this purpose, but PowerPoint offers more graphic features and greater flexibility in placing your text and images. Allow's create a couple of posters in PowerPoint 2007 or 2010.

Notation: At the stop of this blog post, I give you a resource for downloading existing PowerPoint poster templates. I also offering a gratuitous download of templates for the ii posters I created for this post.

Set up the page size


The default slide size is ten inches wide past seven-1/2 inches high (at least in the United States). That won't work for your affiche, then you lot demand to change the Page Setup setting. Likewise, about posters use a portrait orientation (higher than they are wide), but the default slide size is landscape. Follow these steps:

  1. In PowerPoint 2007 or PowerPoint 2010, click the Pattern tab.  In the Page Setup group on the left, click Page Setup. The Page Setup dialog box opens.
  2. From the Slides Sized For drop-downwardly list, choose the size of the newspaper you lot'll utilise to impress the poster.
  3. In the Orientation department, choose Portrait for the slides, as you meet here.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Your slide now looks very unlike from it'due south typical shape and size! But now information technology looks more than similar it'south ready to be a poster.


Cull a layout

The existing layouts will most likely non be useful for yous, so cull the Blank layout and start from scratch. (I rarely propose that for a business presentation with multiple slides, because it's difficult to get a consistent look, only y'all'll just be creating one slide/poster. See "Create consequent slides with layouts.")

With your mouse cursor not on whatever slide object, right-click and choose Layout> Blank. Y'all now have a tabula rasa, a bare slate.

While we're talking about layout, information technology's a proficient thought to sketch your poster'south layout in accelerate, using regular ol' pencil and paper. Try out a couple of ideas. In one case you detect something yous similar, creating the affiche will be much easier.

Create a border

Posters oftentimes have a border. A edge isn't necessary, and so skip this section if y'all don't want 1.

To add a border, you tin can utilise a simple rectangle with a double border. Follow these steps:

  1. To help yous place the rectangle without obsessing over exact precision, display the ruler. On the View tab, check the Ruler checkbox.
  2. From the Habitation tab's Cartoon grouping, click the Rectangle icon.powerpoint-tips-poster-in-powerpoint-2007-2010-3
  3. Using the horizontal and vertical rulers as a guide, elevate from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner, and release the mouse button. The rectangle is selected and you tin use the arrow keys on your keyboard to motion it so that it's centered on the slide/affiche. Note: If yous want to create tear-off strips on the bottom, end the rectangle in a higher place the area where you lot will put the strips. For more data, see the heading beneath on that topic.
  4. In about cases, you'll desire a white poster. It's easy to read and will use a lot less ink. To change the make full of the selected rectangle, click the Format tab, and so click Shape Fill. Choose the white colour swatch.
  5. Brilliant colors are typical for posters, because you desire people to notice them. To alter the rectangle's line color, on the Format tab, click Shape Outline and choose a color.
  6. To create a double border, again click Shape Outline, but this time choose Weight> More Lines to open up the Format Shape dialog box with the Line Style category displayed.
  7. Set the Width to 6. From the Compound Blazon drop-down list, choose one of the double line types.


Create a large heading

A hallmark of a poster is a big heading at the top. You desire to grab people's attending equally they walk by. For maximum flexibility, use text boxes. Text boxes are frequently non a good idea for a business presentation, but yous have to think differently when you're creating a poster. To insert a text box and create a big heading, follow these steps:

  1. Home tab'south Drawing group, click the Text Box icon and elevate a text box across the top of the affiche. Don't worry that information technology doesn't pay attending to the height when you elevate; it will arrange when you lot add text.
  2. First typing. If y'all want all uppercase messages, press the Caps Lock key. (All upper-case letter letters are another poor pick for most presentations, because they are harder to read, merely remember, this is just one slide!)
  3. When you're washed, elevate across the text to select it. Y'all should see the mini toolbar; if not, right-click the text to display it.
  4. From the Font Size drop-down listing, choose a big font size. You can see the alter as you laissez passer your cursor over the dissimilar sizes. You'll probably make adjustments, so you don't accept to become information technology just right notwithstanding.
  5. With the text still selected, choose a bright font color from the Font Color drop-down list.

Here are ii tips to help you make your heading look its best:

  • Reduce text box margin: To fit equally much text on a line with the largest possible font, yous tin can reduce the text box's margins. Right-click the selected text box'southward border and choose Format Shape. In the Format Shape dialog box, click the Text Box category.  In the Internal Margin section, reduce all the margins to 0.
  • Wrap the text where you want: Besides often, you finish up with i discussion on a tertiary line. Or the words wrap at a place that looks awkward or even makes the meaning unclear. Pressing Enter starts a new paragraph, which may add together too much space betwixt the lines. Instead, press Shift + Enter to create a new line without starting a new paragraph.

To add a flair, insert some text at an angle and use white text on a solid background. (The latter uses a lot less ink than making the entire poster a solid color.)  Here are the steps:

  • Insert a text box and type your text.
  • Identify the cursor over the selected text box's green circle and elevate to rotate the text box.
  • From the Format tab, choose Shape Fill and choose a color. (If your text is that colour, it will disappear. Don't worry, it's still in that location!)
  • Select the text. From the mini toolbar, choose a font colour that shows up well against the fill color.

You can add together a shadow to a text box with a solid fill, to make it seem every bit if it's on height of the rest of the poster. On the Format tab, choose Shape Effects> Shadow and choose one of the options. I have more than detailed data on shadows in PowerPoint 2007 and 2010 here and here.

Here'southward an example the top of the affiche afterward these stepspowerpoint-tips-poster-in-powerpoint-2007-2010-5

Insert explanatory text

powerpoint-tips-poster-in-powerpoint-2007-2010-6It'due south time to add some text that provides more details. You can use a text box, but for a more graphic, colorful look, I suggest SmartArt. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Insert tab> Illustrations group> SmartArt.  The Insert a SmartArt Graphic dialog box opens.
  2. Choose a SmartArt layout. For a unproblematic listing of items, try the List category.
  3. When yous're done, click OK. The SmartArt appears on the slide.
  4. Adapt the size by dragging on the corner or side handles, but retrieve that you tin can make adjustments later. Information technology's hard to know the right size until you've entered and sized all the text.
  5. I recommend using the text entry surface area to the left of the SmartArt. If it isn't open up, click the arrow on the left side of the SmartArt border. The reason for this is that some SmartArt requires sub-bullets to fill in the advisable boxes, as yous can come across at the in the figure. To create a sub-bullet, printing the Tab key on your keyboard; that indents the text. To go back to regular bullets, printing Shift+Tab; that outdents the text.
  6. When your text is done, with the SmartArt all the same selected, click the SmartArt Tools Design tab and choose Colors. Choose a ready of colors that works for your poster.
  7. On the same tab, click the SmartArt Styles Gallery's More than button and choose a style.
  8. Resize the unabridged SmartArt diagram using the corner or side handles until it fits your layout. You lot may have to resize the font. Remember that a affiche needs large print so people can read it on a bulletin lath, only non necessarily equally big equally yous would use for a presentation that you brandish on a screen for a large audience.

Is the SmartArt driving you crazy because it won't practise what you desire? Ungroup it! Become instructions here.

Here's the poster up to this signal.


Add an prototype

Images attract attention! If possible, find real photos; they're better than prune art photos. What I hateful by "real photos" is photos of real people in existent situations, rather than models. For example, did y'all take photos of the event last time? Tin can you take some photos of people at work? Since I'grand using an example, I used a clip art photo from the Microsoft Office Clip Art drove.  To find photos, follow these steps:


  1. Choose Insert tab> Clip Fine art. The Clip Fine art job pane opens.
  2. In the Search For box, enter your search keywords. I entered children office.
  3. From the Results Should Be driblet-down listing, uncheck everything except Photographs.
  4. Click Go or press Enter.
  5. Click the image you want to insert it in your poster.
  6. To resize, utilize the corner handles and drag in or out. (Never use the side handles, because that distorts the photo. See my post, "How to crop and resize pictures in PowerPoint" for details.)
  7. To format the photo, choose an option from the Format tab's Picture Styles gallery. For the expect I used, see my post, "Format photos to look similar erstwhile-fashioned snapshots."

I have a blog post with other resources for gratis photos.

The figure shows terminal poster after adding 2 images, a horizontal line (go to the Dwelling house tab and choose the Line icon) and making some layout adjustments.

Add tear-off strips at the bottom of the affiche

Some posters have tear-off strips at the bottom, and so people can accept a phone number or e-mail address home with them. Tear-off strips are typical for personal posters offering something for sale or for rent.

To add tear-off strips, follow these steps:

  1. Start by drawing a horizontal line about ii inches from the bottom of the poster. Become to the Home tab and cull the Line icon. To arrive perfectly horizontal, press the Shift cardinal equally you drag.
  2. To create the first vertical line, describe a vertical line from the horizontal line to the bottom of the poster, about i inch from the left side of the affiche. (The location will depend on how much text you desire to put on the strip and how many strips you lot want.
  3. You'll be cut the strips before you put up the poster, merely it'south traditional to brand these vertical lines dashed. Select the vertical line, click the Format tab, and choose Shape Outline> Dashes. Choose one of the dashed line options.powerpoint-tips-poster-in-powerpoint-2007-2010-10
  4. Insert a text box near the bottom of the slide. You'll move and resize it, so the exact location doesn't affair. Type the content you want for your tear-off strip. This text tin can exist 12 or xiv points high.
  5. With the text box selected, put your cursor over the light-green rotation handle and drag around then that the text is sideways. If you lot hold downwards the Shift primal as yous do this, you'll be able to become a perfectly vertical text box, as you lot run across at the right.
  6. Resize the text box to fit the text and move it over the left-most strip.
  7. Now, you lot'll duplicate the vertical dashed line and the text box. Select them both and printing Ctrl + D. Employ the arrow keys to move them up and to the right where the 2nd strip will be.
  8. Press Ctrl + D over again and PowerPoint remembers your spacing! Go on until y'all have all the tear-off strips. Make whatsoever necessary spacing and placement adjustments.

Here'south the final affiche.


Print your poster

Printing can be a problem, because most printers add together margins around the edge of the paper by default. In the instance of the puppy poster, that isn't much of an issue, but for the "Accept Our Kids to Work Day" affiche, the "Join Us on" text box is supposed to become to the edge of the newspaper (called a "drain") and doesn't look correct with a margin. If you're having problems printing a bleed, you tin just redesign the poster. If yous really want that issue, come across the 2 solutions below.

Absolutely, definitely print one copy of your poster before printing the rest!

The result might be dependent on your printer; it needs to back up borderless printing.

Solution one:

  1. Click Awarding Button/File> Print. In PowerPoint 2007, yous'll encounter the Print dialog box. Click Preview to see the default effect. In PowerPoint 2010, you lot'll come across the "Back Stage" area with a preview to the right. You should see a white edge around your poster.  Note this, because you want to see that border go away.
  2. In PowerPoint 2007, to the correct of your printer's proper noun, click Backdrop. In PowerPoint 2010, below your printer's proper noun, click Printer Backdrop. Await for the borderless printing setting and enable information technology.  Each printer will have somewhat different settings. Click OK to exit your printer'due south backdrop.
  3. In PowerPoint 2007, you're at present back in the Print dialog box. Check the Scale to Fit Paper check box. In PowerPoint 2010, click the drop-down list that shows Full Page Slides and click the Scale to Fit Paper option.
  4. You should now run across that the preview doesn't have a border. Click OK or Print to print your poster.

powerpoint-tips-poster-in-powerpoint-2007-2010-12 powerpoint-tips-poster-in-powerpoint-2007-2010-13

My bleed was perfect on the top only left about 1mm of white on the left. If you get a issue like this and you want a perfect bleed, see the next solution.

Solution 2:

You probably have some software on your reckoner that is designed to print photos. Microsoft Office comes with Microsoft Role Moving-picture show Managing director. Windows comes with Windows Photograph Viewer. Both these programs can exercise a expert job of borderless printing. Here are the steps:

  1. In PowerPoint, choose Awarding button/File> Save Equally.
  2. In the dialog box, from the Save as Type drop-down listing, choose JPEG or PNG to save the slide every bit an image file. Remember where you saved it!
  3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the image file you saved and print from the default programme that opens.  Your printer properties demand to be prepare for borderless printing. I tried both Microsoft Part Pic Manager and Windows Motion-picture show Viewer. When I unchecked the Fit Pic to Frame checkbox in either program, I got a perfect affiche.

Don't desire to do it yourself?

Would you similar to download some pre-made affiche templates? Microsoft has a number of them online and some are for PowerPoint.

Or download a Word template, open it, copy everything on the folio and paste it into PowerPoint. You may need to resize individual objects to fit.

But I take to say that I thought that nearly of the online templates weren't helpful for the type of poster I would need to create.

Free template downloads!

I've turned the posters I created for this blog post into ii templates that you tin can download for gratuitous, with registration. Click here to go to the sign-up folio to get the downloads!

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How to Make a Banner in Powerpoint 2007 TUTORIAL

Posted by: zacherythaignim.blogspot.com

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